

Below is a list of organizations that are finding creative ways to address the lack of affordable housing and advocate for a liveable income. These are simply a few of the many organizations working on these issues; we welcome suggestions to add to this list.

Add your voice, sign up for their newsletters, sign petitions, join email campaigns, download draft letters for your MLA and/or MP, post messages on social media–or do it all! 

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

Assembly of First Nations

Basic Income BC

BC Poverty Reduction Coalition

Canada Without Poverty

Canadian Alliance to End Homeless

Health Providers Against Poverty
We’d love to start a BC chapter – talk to us if you would like to.

Liveable Income Vancouver

Motion 46: Guaranteed Livable Basic Income

Recovery for All

Wisdom Weavers of the World
Watch their short film and receive their message for humankind.