Homelessness Action Week 2021

Monday, October 11 is Thanksgiving Day and marks the first day of Homelessness Action Week in BC.

Thanksgiving reminds us to reflect on all the things we are grateful for, family, friends, good food, good health and a safe, warm home.  However, there are many people in Vancouver who do not have a safe, warm, dry, affordable home.

There are many, many people and service providers in the Lower Mainland working on bringing care and compassion to people who are unhoused and those who live in substandard housing such as Vancouver’s SROs and other illegal and substandard private suites all over the Lower Mainland.

Meme Tees would like to take a moment to highlight and honour some of the great work in Vancouver and the Greater Vancouver Area. 

It’s hard to say who is at the top of the list, but for us, Jen St. Denis reporter for The Tyee stands out for her focus on the issues and deplorable living conditions for people living in the DTES.

Another noteworthy organization is the City of Vancouver’s Carnegie Outreach Team. The Carnegie Outreach Team works closely with many community partners, including emergency shelters, hospitals, landlords, non-profit agencies, and other City departments to ensure individuals experiencing homelessness and needing assistance are connected to supports. 

Attend an event for Homelessness Action Week activities across the Lower Mainland

Homelessness Action Week -- City of Vancouver

For the City of Vancouver, the purpose of this week is to raise public awareness on issues of homelessness, rally local solutions and Homelessness Action Week grants. Homelessness Action Week is organized by the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Council of Community Homelessness Tables. The council is a coalition of community organizations and all levels of government.


Homelessness Action Week –– District of North Vancouver

On October 14, the DNV and their North Shore partners will be at St. Andrew’s United Church to participate in Connect Day, coordinated by the North Shore Homelessness Task Force. Several local service providers will be in attendance to offer information, a variety of services, clothing and blankets, grocery cards, coffee and a take-out meal to those who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.

End Homelessness in Burnaby

The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby hosts the Homeless Connect Event annually to support connection between volunteers, service providers, politicians, professionals, and some of our most vulnerable citizens. At the Connect event, many services are available for those experiencing poverty or homelessness in our city. Food, clothing, shoes, haircuts, hygiene items, foot-care, bike tune ups, showers, games, flu shots, dental care, optometrist, books, a band and many other services are typically provided.

Homelessness Action Week 2021 Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society

An inspirational video highlighting homelessness action service providers in Surrey.

Other Homelessness Action Week Events

Oct 14 – 6 pm

Join the Conversation for Homelessness Action Week 2021 by Foundations for Social Change

Foundations for Social Change (FSC) is a charitable organization that innovates for new models that advance social change and shared prosperity.  FSC is inviting audiences from across Vancouver (and beyond) to come together, engage in these stories, ask new questions and think about how to increase empathy in supports and solutions around homelessness.  Registration is required for this free event.

Oct 14 – 7 pm

Homelessness Action Week Virtual Screening & Panel Discussion

Supported by The Social Planning and Research Council of B.C., this year, Homelessness Action Week is especially important as we grapple with the converging crises of homelessness, overdose, and the highly contagious delta variant. To provide an opportunity for people to connect and learn, a virtual screening of the documentary Us and Them will be followed by a panel discussion. Registration is required for this free event.


Meme Tees: Messages of Hope is a T-shirt fundraising project with a purpose to inspire and raise awareness around affordable housing and a universal living income for all.  Please click on the link to our website for more information about our fundraiser and to purchase your first edition t-shirt that features the message: Safe, Affordable Housing and a Liveable Income are Medicine.

Meme Tees believes that everyone in this wealthy country of Canada has a part to play in finding ways to solve the problem of homelessness and offer hope to people living in poverty. How can people heal, grow and thrive if they do not have a safe place to call home?


What did we do with the money we raised with your purchase of our T-Shirt?


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation — Orange Shirt Day